Terre del Perugino

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The “Ulisse” inter-municipal library heritage consists of 4800 volumes, all catalogued and categorized. The library is well stocked, mostly with fiction and poetry books from the 18th and 19th century (italian, german, french, english, american, russian and spanish), there are also plenty of books on social, political and religious science, modern history, electronics, physics and mathematics. The three main sections are:

  • A Youth Section, with selected books classified by age groups (6 to 9, 9 to 12 and 12 to 14 years) and educational tools, such as a tiny wooden theater used for the dramatizations.
  • A Local Section about Panicale, Piegaro and the Umbria region in general, with history books, fiction, art and nature.
  • The Michele Colafato Fund, with about 1500 volumes, including many rarities and valuable tomes of foreign literature and on economics, social and political science.

Among the many cultural activities offered, the Library is particularly committed into the promotion of school workshops, which also include aloud readings with qualified staff and with the partecipation of authors and experts. Secondary school students from every Municipality of the Trasimeno area take part to the literary award “Fuori e dentro di me” every year. The contest promotes art and writing and gives to the young ones the possibility to use them as instruments of freedom, discovery and growth. The library oversees the “Il Maggio dei Libri” events, together with the schools and associations of the territory, and promotes awareness initiatives for the families. The main goal is to encourage reading, which is key for personal, cultural and social development.

– Fiction
– Essays
– Encyclopedias and dictionaries
– Local Section, modern and historical
– Foreign language books
– Audiobooks
– The “Michele Colafato” Fund

– Local loan
– Reference
– Free Internet Point
– Cultural activities
– “Nati per Leggere” project activities
– Photocopies
– Initiatives for children
– Guided tours
– Digital information for users
– Bibliographical information on site
– Information, assistance and reference
– Temporary exhibits
– Didactical workshops and Animated Reading
– “Il Maggio dei Libri” events
– Literary award “Fuori e dentro di me”
– Workshops and meetings with the authors

Internal Rules
– Loan service: Library registry card required
– Maximum 20 days of loan
– Enclyclopedias not on loan
– Free Internet, filling form required

Monday and Friday
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
3 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Viale della Resistenza, 10
Tavernelle, Panicale (PG)
T. 075 7864987