1. Lake Trasimeno Fishing Museum in San Feliciano
The collection offers a meditated reading of an extremely rich heritage in which the knowledge of the lake, with its particular geo-physical and environmental characteristics, updated with the latest purchases, is linked to the knowledge acquired over time by the communities of fishermen and hunters, who have come to relate with it. To enter is to lose connection with mother earth and to merge with the flowing water world.
(photo credit: Sara Mattaioli)
2. Sunset in Lake Trasimeno from the promenade of San Feliciano
Considered one of the ten most beautiful places in the world by the Focus magazine, the sunset, as seen from the shores of the lake in San Feliciano, is an exciting experience of extraordinary beauty. The colors and breathtaking nuances lend different images every day when the sun goes down and attract many professionals and enthusiasts, eager to restore body and mind thanks to their beauty.
3. The Naturalistic Oasis “La Valle”
The Naturalistic Oasis “La Valle”, with an area covering approximately 1000 ha on the shores of Lake Trasimeno, is a wetland of large ornithological interest. The area serves as nesting spot for many species of migratory birds, moving south from northern Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa, thanks to its shallow waters and extensive rushes. Tourists may enjoy the beauty of these species every season of the year.
4. Castle of the Knights of Malta
The Castle of the Knights of Malta was built in 1160/70 first as a fortified chantry of the Jerusalem Knights, not far from the road axis between Perugia and Tuscany. Inside is the ancient romanesque church devoted to St.John, with two frescoes of remarkable worksmanship: a Nativity and a St.James protector of the pilgrims. The church was also where the Magione Conspiracy took place in 1504, plotted by some nobles against Cesare Borgia.
(photo credit: Wikipedia)
5. The historic village of Monte del Lago
Monte del Lago, known as Monte Fontegiano in ancient times, overlooks Lake Trasimeno. The walls were built in the 14th century and inside the church devoted to St.Andrews, patron of the fishermen, are many remarkable frescoes of the Sienese school. The characteristic staircase leads up to the walls overlooking the lake and its shores. The church of Santa Maria dei Disciplinati from the 14th century, instead, can be found right outside town.
6. The Lambardi Tower
The Lambardi Tower was build between the 12th and 13th century by the Order of Knights of St.John of Jerusalem, present day Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The tower, about 30 meters high and with its quadrangular structure, originally had three stone floors and three wooden ones. It was an important control measure over the road axis between Perugia and Cortona, a mandatory step for the transit of goods and for the pilgrims directed to the most important centers of medieval Christendom.
7. Church of San Giovanni Battista
The parish church of San Giovanni Battista was built in 1571, restored in the 18th century, and finally enlarged in 1836. It was severely damaged in 1944 and almost entirely rebuilt because of this. The Futurist artist Gerardo Dottori was chosen to fresco it. The baroque brick facade is vertically divided into ornamental pillars next to the main gate. The interior has a latin cross shape with a three spans single nave. The church is also known for a wooden crucifix from the 16th century and some relics of St.Clement, patron of Magione, under the main altar.
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8. Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie
The Church of the Madonna delle Grazie was built upon a medieval hospital from the 14th century, still in use till the 19th century. The cotto tiled bell tower, which confers its peculiar aspect, was built in 1720. Among the paintings inside is an important fresco transposed on board from 1371, depicting Virgin Mary on a throne breastfeeding the infant Jesus, known as “Madonna del Latte”.
9. Castle of Montecolognola
We know that the costruction of the Castle of Montecolognola started in 1296 and later finished in the early 14th century. It was built by those citizens of Pian di Carpine (now Magione) that rebelled to their lords: the Jerusalem Knights, now Knights of Malta. Most of the town walls are still well preserved, same goes for the main gate. The church of Santa Maria Annunziata, from the 14th century, is home to many precious paintings from the 14th, 15th and 16th century, among them an Annunciation of the Perugino School. The right side chapel is dedicated to St.Lucia and its frescoes were painted by Gerardo Dottori in 1948.
10. The Frescoes by Gerardo Dottori inside the Council Hall of the Municipality of Magione
The cycle of paintings inside the Council Hall of the municipality was made by the futurist painter Gerardo Dottori between 1948 and 1949. The masterpiece was commissioned by the mayor Publio Trento Bartoccioni, and it depicts the county seat and the small towns in its territory. Arranged along the perimeter of the room, the town representations are divided in two main sections: the towns close to Lake Trasimeno on one side and the hinterland ones on the other. Under each town are some references to their production activities of the time. The great painting board below the town of Magione by Dottori, dedicated to Fra’ Giovanni da Pian di Carpine at the court of the Great Khan of the Mongols, stands out above all the others.