Terre del Perugino

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1. The fresco “Martirio di San Sebastiano” (1505) by Perugino in the Church of San Sebastiano

This masterpiece of the Pievese artist shows a very delicate landscape, directly inspired by the Lake Trasimeno panorama, which one can enjoy from a backyard right beside the church. 

2. The Fresco “Madonna con Bambino e Angeli Musicanti” by Raffaello Sanzio in the Church of San Sebastiano

Detached from the walls of the Church of Sant’agostino in the 19th century, this fresco was made by the young Raffaello, who was a pupil of the Perugino.

3. Parish Church of San Michele Arcangelo

Dating back to the 11th century, the parish, with its elegant baroque style, houses an “Annunciation” made by Masolino da Panicale (15th century), the “Adorazione dei Pastori” (1519) by Giovan Battista Caporali, another pupil of the Perugino.

4. Tulle Museum

The Museum, located inside the ancient Church of Sant’Agostino, is dedicated to Anita Belleschi Grifoni, who was responsible for the renaissance of the embroidered tulle art in Panicale. It is thanks to her that the Ars Panicalensis was born, and subsequently every work kept inside the Museum. 

5. The Cesare Caporali Theater

A true architectural gem and one of the smallest theaters in Italy. Originally built in the 18th century, it was later entirely renovated during the 19th century by G.Caproni, who gave it the typical italian-style theater shapes.

6. Museum of Sacred Ornaments in the Church of Madonna della Sbarra

With its baroque style, the church was built where the ancient customs and a shrine with a fresco representing the Virgin Mary, believed to be miracolous, were located, at the request of the Panicale citizens. The museum displays many holy vestments, ornaments, decors and furnishings, coming from the churches of Panicale.

7. Panoramic views overlooking Lake Trasimeno

Because of its position, Panicale is considered the best panoramic terrace over Lake Trasimeno, and there are many viewpoints scattered in the historical center. Most important ones: the “Via del Belvedere”, the “Piazza Regina Margherita” and the “Piazza Masolino”.

8. A walk around town and the Land Art Museum Circuit

With its three concentric town walls, Panicale offers visitors the possibility to walk in a well-preserved and almost untouched tile medieval village, as opposed to the Land Art Museum Circuit, with three famous works made by important contemporary artists, located in different areas: “Arco rovesciato” by Mauro Staccioli in Via del Belvedere, the Panicale Amphitheater made by the american artist Beverly Pepper and “Cristalli in Formazione” by Virginio Ferrari inside the Church of Madonna della Sbarra.

9. Palace of the Podestà

Located in Piazza Masolino, the highest point in town, the 14th century Palace of the Podestà, with its double-arched windows and belltower, is now home to the municipal, historical and notarial Archive.

10. The Shrine of Mongiovino

Typical Marian shrine built at the beginning of the 15th century below the Castle of Mongiovino, not too far from Tavernelle. Inside are many frescoes painted by various artists from Tuscany, Marche and also the Netherlands, which represent the most important collection of the second half of 1500 in Umbria.