Terre del Perugino

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1. Trasimemo - Banca della Memoria Trasimeno

Inside Palazzo Baldeschi, the museum TrasiMemo collects memories and artisanal knowledge of the local communities throughout an immersive reality, in which past and present interact with each other through the voices of the prominent figures of that period. Not only a mere display of tools but also an open space where memories come to life to look upon the future.

2. The Courtyard of Palazzo Baldeschi and a glimpse of Lago Trasimeno

The italian-style courtyard of the palace, full of flowering plants and aromatic herbs, offers a beautiful view of Lake Trasimeno and the Polvese Island.

3. Church of Santa Maria Assunta

The ancient church is located right outside the town walls near Porta Fiorentina.

(photo credit: Wikipedia)

4. Walk through the alleys

Paciano is crossed by three parallel streets connected by small alleys and squares in a rectangular layout. A walk in history among brick buildings and unexpected churches. Don’t miss the well, which was crucial for the water supply in the past, now a meeting point of memories and wishes.

5. Sanctuary of Madonna della Stella

The Sanctum, built after a miracle that took place in the mid ‘500s, was an essential place for the pilgrims coming from the Romeo-Germanica, and it still is for the Paciano community. Inside is a cycle of frescoes from the Mannerist period.

6. Hiking on Monte Pausillo

Hiking trail from Paciano to Monte Pausilio (617 meters a.s.l.). Best suited for those who love a walk in nature, with breath-taking landscapes over Tuscany and this small corner of Umbria.

7. Abbey of Ceraseto

The ancient parish overlooking Lake Trasimeno, known as Ceraseto or Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore in Ceraseto. It was built with sandstone ashlars and it’s located on the northern side of Monte Petrarvella.

8. Parish Museum “Don Aldo Rossi” inside the Church of San Giuseppe

With its holy vestments and works of art, the Church of San Giuseppe is also known as Santa Maria della Concezione and “the church within” because it’s located inside the walls.  Of great artistic value is the Gonfalone della Madonna delle Grazie, made by Benedetto Bonfigli around 1470.

(photo credit: Good Morning Umbria)

9. The fresco “Crocifissione” by Francesco da Castel della Pieve inside the Art Gallery

The “Crocifissione” was made by Nicolò da Castel della Pieve in 1452. The painter, unkown at that time, was identified as the first teacher of Pietro Vannucci, when he still lived in Castel della Pieve. The fresco strikes for its dimensions and for the great number of characters crowded under the crosses of Christ and the Two Thieves.

(photo credit: Good Morning Umbria)

10. Church of San Carlo Borromeo

Sanctified in 1629 and open to worship only during Easter time, when it’s evocatively covered by burial vestments and adorned with white vetch. It is where the wooden statue of the dead Christ from 1620 is displayed, and also the seat of the ancient Brotherhood of the Crucifix.

(photo credit: portal-pacianopanicalepiegaro.it)